We understand the urgency that surrounds sending packages and items to family, friends and other groups. You want your shipment taken care and delivered quickly. With Newcastle Transport Specialists, prompt and safe service are commonplace.
Same day delivery
We offer same day deliveries to keep you on schedule and moving. We cover the Newcastle, Hunter Valley and Central Coast areas and are on the road night and day to get your items where they need to go.
Our operational, 24-hour team of drivers is committed to you and your recipient. We collect your packages within 30 minutes of your job booking, sending them off to their destination.
Multiple item and address deliveries are charged on a per hour basis.
Carton rate
For regular carton delivery, Newcastle Transport Specialists now offer a special service.
From 8:30 am to 9:30 am daily, our drivers will collect cartons and deliver them to any Newcastle suburbs and the Central Coast area by 3 pm. Delivering ten cartons has a rate of $3.00 per carton. The service is limited to averaged sized cartons with a maximum weight of 20 kg.